Our hero and the healer were invited to a party held by the three sisters. The eldest sister confirmed wine would be had at the party. They agreed to gift their hosts with a bouquet of flowers. Upon arriving, the sisters were pleased by the gift, threw the flowers on the floor, proceeded to wipe themselves with the wrapping paper, then threw the smeared paper also on the floor.
It became very clear that hygiene was of some concern and of no concern to the sisters upon entering the house. The guests, which consisted of deer, boars, rabbits, and monkeys, relieved themselves on the floor. These were the sisters’ relatives. They made fun by catching the others’ feces, brutalizing the other, and eating the offals the sisters provided as snacks. Our heroes sat, avoided eye contact with the other guests, and determined individually when would be the best time to leave.
The sisters stripped themselves of their clothes, revealing their statuesque bodies. This caught our hero’s attention. The healer continued draining whiskey.
The horses then mounted the sisters. The sisters mounted monkeys, the monkeys mounted bears, the bears mounted rabbits, and the rabbits mounted boars, and the house was overcome by grunting, and the house became very sticky and wet.
The youngest sister took our hero by the hand, inducing him to follow her and her beautiful body. The healer refused, for he knew the magic word “No”. The sister stripped our hero of his clothes and handled his genitals, lifting a certain member up. She then directed our hero towards a doe, who had kicked the dishes off of a table and pointed her genitals in our hero’s direction. The room had become very hot and he felt himself sweating profusely. Our hero closed his eyes and smelled the doe’s scent, which was of damp leaves. He felt the warmth of the doe’s body. Behind him were the sister’s strong hands and round thighs thrusting into his, and in front of him were the doe’s thighs into which his were thrusting. He wished to cry; then there was release. The bears, chickens, wolves felt pleasure, he saw none in the back of his eyelids.
When he opened his eyes, the activity paused. A beautiful white buck had entered the room, whom the family greeted with hoarse shouting. The buck walked around the room and did not distinguish between what were food, what were body fluids, and what were his children as he ate. He then spat blood. Indeed, everyone in the house, including the sisters, began spitting blood, except for our hero and the healer who took his protege by the hand and led him out of the massacre.
It was difficult for our hero to understand that the forest creatures had contempt for humans for centuries, planned a massacre, and that the white buck was their patriarch and deity. Our hero viewed these creatures as worthy of sympathy. The healer did not, which was why he poisoned them.
A mighty shriek was heard throughout the immense forest, reaching the city. Women miscarried, healthy men collapsed, and the sick and weak died. Had the healer investigated this, he would have recalled that the citizens could trace their lineage to this same god.
A shimmering white overtook the evening sky. The white buck had grown in size, topping the trees and hiding the moon behind his head.
The healer groaned.
© 2025 François-Marie Lee