Chapter 31

The princess told our hero and the eunuch what she desired from a husband. They searched throughout the land, for a suitor.

They poured plaster into the princess’s genitals, creating a cast of it. They then sought the tallest, most handsome, brawniest, and wealthiest princes, with tattoos, around and asked them to take a stab at it. None of the princes were able to fit into it perfectly. They then asked the princes had any servants or slaves who could fit. Men and women alike could not satisfy the cast. They then asked if any of their fists could fit into the cast. This could not be fulfilled either.

Downcast and tired, our heroes sought rest at a castle built over a swamp, as questionable the hospitality of a castle over a swamp is. Nevertheless the host was very gracious and treated our heroes lavishly, for the host was the manpig who was still infatuated with our hero.

The manpig tried to woo our hero with the brightest of jewels, the most colorful of flowers, the most sumptuous of feasts, the best of songs and theaters, and the greatest of flatteries. Our hero declined each of these romantic overtures.

The manpig then offered to invest in our hero’s business. Our hero gave his assent to go to his bedroom.

On hearing this happy news, the manpig’s member swelled, filled with lust. It nearly tossed his robes over his head. For the manpig had employed a magician to increase its size thrice, as well as his confidence, in an effort to find a partner, though he found it odd less than zero partners were attracted to his new self. The eunuch gasped and tried the cast on him. It fit. The eunuch was elated, our hero was not. Our hero’s heart sunk.

The manpig gave our hero the strongest of aphrodisiacs, ordered him to shower, and then, in the most voluptuous robes, to follow a trail of rose petals to his bedchamber. Our hero did so, and found the manpig hidden under the covers of a canopy bed, where he was the fifth pillar.

Our hero, though he thoughtlessly agreed, could not do this. He hit and kicked the member, whose tip was bigger than his head, which stimulated it even more. It was unfortunate the maids shackled his hands together in the bath, and the manpig easily wrestled our hero down, finally removing the covers from his eager member. It resembled a tree trunk with its veins as thick as snakes, and the mere sight of it caused out hero to faint, that and the sedatives the manpig put into his wine.

The manpig placed the tip, as large as a soldier’s helmet, into our hero, and felt joy that he could push more and more of the helmet into our hero, and larger and larger the manpig’s heart grew on feeling acceptance in the throes of his body. He had for so long been rejected by the world as a result of what the witch had turned him into he felt only despair for his future. More and more it entered our hero until the manpig entered his final gruntings; he quickly retreated it, and released his delight into the air like spring rain, spraying our hero’s back, shooting at the canopy, so that it fell, and staining the bed and the carpet in his joy. He turned our hero’s face around, which was good luck, as he might have drowned, and gave him a kiss goodnight, before he too slept.

Our hero, when he awoke, asked the eunuch to help him flee at midnight, for he could not walk; everything from his stomach to his legs ached in intense pain. They fled with moonlight on their backs, the hero with white on his, and reported what they knew to the princess. The princess then added a new specification to the resumé.

Our hero and the eunuch returned to the manpig and found the mask the princess gave them fit on his head. They then offered the princess’s hand in marriage. The manpig agreed on the condition our hero became his mistress. Our hero agreed also with the contract, and plotted to get out of it, for he wanted to live.